18 July 2008

Fiction Friday (18 July 2008)

[Fiction] Friday Challenge for July, 18 2008:

Pick a character who loves the dark, and tell us why. Avoid the obvious choices: stealth, monsters, sex, and anything else you immediately thought of.


I close my eyes again. I can hear her fingers glide across the strings, her laboured breathing as she holds it between her legs. I can almost smell the sound now. Deep, rich, like black coffee.

She asked for a single light, apparently, she needs to see the instrument to be able to play it. I said no then, because I cannot hear it if the light is on. I allowed her a candle instead.

I drink in the sound. I can feel my vitality washing through my weary bodies. I needed this.

She has stopped playing. I can hear her heart pounding, and then her inner scream when I say play.

“Just one more,” I whisper, “just one.”

She drags the bow across the strings again. In the dark, the sound of the cello heals all my wounds.


Anonymous said...

deliciously sensual and a little spooky.. nice combination to involve these senses..

Anonymous said...

welcome to FF! this was an excellent piece full of emotion and darkness of the unknown.

Anonymous said...

Quite sexy and rather gothic. Very nice.

Anonymous said...

Nicely done. Yes, there's a sensuousness to it.

Anonymous said...

There's something a little sinister going on here! Interesting piece.

Anonymous said...

Just a wonderful little story. I love the very short ones. Thank you.


Anonymous said...

There was a certain flavour of reserved erotica about this post. Delightful.

I look forward to reading more of your writing.

Pen Me A Poem

Anonymous said...

Thank you all for the kind comments :)

Anonymous said...

i love it! and if my writing reminds you of yours, im flattered. :)

Anonymous said...

This is neat - thank you for it. I like that it starts in the middle - I close my eyes again.

I like the mystery - my weary bodies. . .

and the cello healing wounds. . .

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