25 August 2013

Sunday 8:39

DSCF7823Last time I wrote, we had 20 days to go to our holiday, I can’t believe we’ve been back home for 19 days already. We had an absolutely fantastic holiday – one of those where, at the end of the holiday, you are ready to go home and face life again.

Since we’ve been back, we’ve been busy busy busy. The new house has a fair amount of work for us to do to make it ours, and some of it we are able to do ourselves too.

Our first priority was to set up our office/study, as this will be our base from where we plan all the other work to be done. And this space needed a fair amount of work before we could use it. There was a carpet on the floor, which the husband ripped up before I could even get a picture. We chose a lovely blue for the main walls, which immediately changed the space once it was applied.


We also tried to do a polished cement floor ourselves, but we weren’t that successful. Took a trip back to the hardware store, and invested in some self-levelling screed and laminate flooring, which worked like a dream


Replaced the lights with some cyberman-inspired spots, fitted blinds and painted the bricks and suddenly we had a very nice space.


I also framed the bits and bobs that I collected at the Discworld Emporium and put it up over my desk, along with the Assassin's’ Guild flag that I had acquired at the same slice of heaven.


My desk is set up and ready to go. Let’s hope my muse loves the new space as much as I do.


We also gave the kitchen/dining room a bit of a make-over, with some new curtains and accessories, and I am really enjoying this space as well.


My favourite, however, is the sparkly things dangling in front of the big sliding door – most of which we bought from the Christmas store in Bremen – and the rainbows they cast across the kitchen as the sun shines through.


We met with our builder last week-end, and he is currently busy drawing up the plans for the other renovations to be done. Can’t wait to see the pictures in our heads become a reality.

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