10 January 2009

Mystery has a scent, and it is blue.

53050_pen_paper_close_up I got a good editing session in today, and edited/rewrote seven chapters from the NaNo novel into The Novel, bringing the word count to well over the 65k mark. I suspect the final wordcount will be closer to 100k in the end. I forgot just how much fun the story actually is, and have enjoyed spending some time with the characters again.

A lot of backstory paragraphs have died a painful death, as have some of the sentences that really just did not need to be there. My favourite bad sentence so far is ‘Mystery has a scent, and it is blue.’

Now that the story is complete, it is far easier to edit, rewrite and remove the excess, and hopefully soon, I will have a beautifully polished story that I can start sharing again.


Anonymous said...

I am envious. Mine is still inching upwards in word count. I am at the point now where you are in the last month of pregnancy, I want to be done. I am thinking 90thousandish words. I would have never dreamed. Editing and revising is sometimes so much easier than the actual creation.

tenderhooligan said...

WOW! You've made enormous progress! Well done. I never did get around to reading your draft - life got so busy again with the thesis and the viva. Do you want me to read a revised draft?

Vanessa said...

@Annie: Well, it has taken me two years to write a complete draft *laughs*. I dread the editing and revising, because I often have to kill scenes that I loved writing in the first place.

@tenderhooligan: Thanks. And, as per FB convo, yes please, when it is ready.

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