So, three weeks on, and there is still no light at the end of the Zim tunnel. Not only are the Zimbabwean people apparently fleeing to South Africa like 'a tsunami', but the violence levels in the country have apparently escalated, with some fearing another Rwanda or Burundi happening. Of course, the little arms shipment has every one in a little bit of a panic, but that is, I suppose, to be expected.
It seemed like a dream when, just a couple of weeks ago, it looked like Zimbabwe actually had a chance of getting rid of Mugabe. We all held our breaths, because change in Zimbabwe meant hope for all of Africa. At least JZ seems to agree with the rest of us.
Life is back to normal now though, and we can go back to bitching about the load shedding, climbing interest rates and sudden winter.
But what lies ahead for us? Every whitey I speak to have some kind of exit plan, while the rest just try and keep head above water. What will happen when the skills run out?
For those who stay, there will be opportunities, the likes we have never seen before... but will there be enough workers to fill the critical roles? Skills development plans will need to be implemented sooner rather than later, and many will need to be fast-tracked, to ensure core services remain functional. If skilled workers are really leaving at the pace that some of the anonymous sources on the interwebs would like us to believe, we will be able to really use elephants to go to work soon, because there will hardly be anyone left.
The advantages are obvious: there will be no more traffic, real estate will become freely available, meaning we can pick and choose where we want to live and food shortages will be but a paranoid fat man's nightmare. On the down side, we will all have to work. Of course, those left behind will have their picks of jobs, and one would be able to change careers at the drop of a hat - which is a good thing - but when employed, we will actually have to work - because there will be so few of us, the boss will be able to see when we slack off.
This might reduce crime levels too, but may increase drug and alcohol abuse, because stress levels will sky rocket.
Maybe more and more people will decide to stay, realising the opportunities that are still available to this country, and, if we can all work together, maybe we can turn things around, possibly creating even more opportunities, luring those who left back into South Africa's warm and loving bosom. There is, after all, no place like home (Can you see me clicking my heels together?)
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