5 September 2010

Zen space

We bought a gorgeous Japanese-style table from Quentin’s mother in April, which stood like a big white elephant in the continuous-limbo that was our back yard until yesterday.

We finally bought the river sand and flagstones required to pave a portion of the back area last week-end, which was delivered on Friday morning. A friend came over yesterday and helped Quentin lay down the sand and the stones, leaving a nice little space for the table, which was moved in with some outside help.


Quentin then filled the gaps between the flagstones with white pebbles.

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    It is not quite done yet – it needs some time to settle and we need to get more pebbles for the border, but it is very pleasing already.


1 comment:

Leighchi said...

very very nice! turned out very well, and the style suits the table too :-)

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