16 September 2008


So, here I thought that this blog was nicely hidden away, and just a place for me to stash random stuff.

Well, it would appear that I was wrong.

This blog has had 181 unique visits in the past month, and 233 page views. Not too shabby for something hidden *wink*

Traffic has particularly picked up in the past two weeks, averaging on around 10 visits a day. Yayness. I must be doing something wrong here.

Top searches for the past month that led the unsuspecting here:

  1. electric bunnies
  2. management group name database mom 2005
  3. electric slippers
  4. migrate from wordpress to blogger
  5. "mom 2005" "defrag"
  6. "teched sa closing address"

I can understand most of those, except for, well, #3. #1 seems a little targeted *cringe*

I am now going to continue ignoring the stats for a while, and maybe keep doing what I am doing 14_layer_novisible

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