This has been a very short week for me, mostly because I only returned from the conference late on Wednesday evening. The conference was filled with technical information, and my brain feels a bit full at the moment, but it was good and inspirational, and I even took some thoughts about writing away with me, which I will probably cover in another blog post once my sleeping patterns have returned to normal.
As I enter the next phase with my novel (edits and polishes), I am starting to think about the agent querying process, as this is something I will probably do in the near future. Agent Query is a great site to find agents that are actively looking for clients, and includes a search function where one can search for agents that represent your specific genre. It also offers some great advice on structuring the query letter and anything else that may go along with the query process.
Agent Nathan Bransford posted a great FAQ on his blog today, linking back to past posts, covering everything and anything a writer wants to know about publishing, including a great guide to writing the perfect query letter. Agent Janet Reid also offers the Query Shark service (for lack of a better word), allowing one to test-drive a query letter and have it critiqued, before sending it out for real. Even if you aren’t brave enough to send your letter to the shark, you can still learn a lot from the mistakes of the other, braver souls.
And then, a writerly friend posted this great link to her blog today on how advances actually work. This post in the thread, in particular, was the most helpful, and explains this mystery in great detail.
Lastly, because right now my world will not be complete without some mention of Twilight, Stephenie Meyer wrote about the writing and publishing process of her first book (Twilight), and has some great advice for new authors in between the great info on the book and the series.
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